Thursday, February 24, 2011

Team Assignment #1

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Education, Hayek and Keynes Comparison

             John Maynard Keynes, was a British Economist that after the major economic down turn if the Second World War, composed economic ideas that would involve a more so involved government. He believed that in order to make an economy work the government needed to be involved. On the other side of the spectrum is Friedrich Hayek, a economist that based his theories on previous examples of failed economies like Nazi Germany, and the Soviet Union. His concepts stated that those were two economies that were heavily government controlled and took away the freedom of the people. He states that you can't plan human society and the natural evolutionary wisdom from a free society is best.  Now to decide which one is related to the education system of Alberta.
             I believe that the Keynes system is the one that best describes Alberta's public education program. Public Education in Alberta is a program that is more so government involved.  The majority of our fees are payed by the government, our teachers are also payed by the government. Although our system is mostly Keynes there are aspects that go support Hayek as well. For ins-tense we pay taxes that go towards our provinces education. Also if you go to a private school it is not government involved. 
             So although our Education system has a few points that support Hayek it is much more so a Keynes based system. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Romeo & Juliet Group Project

When was it written?

  • 1594
  • Verona, Italy in the 14th or 15th century during the renaissance  
Shakespeare wrote three different types of plays

  • Tragedies, Histories, Comedies 
  • Histories is King John
  • Tragedies example, Julius Caesar
  • Comedies example, Merchant of Venice 
  • Romeo and Juliet is a Tragedy 
Three interesting facts about Shakespeare

  •  Shakespeare's life lasted for fifty-two years. It is known that he was born in April 1564 and that he died on 23rd April 1616. 
  • During his life, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets!
  • He wrote on average 1 . 5 plays a year since he first started in 1589.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Personal Logo

My personal logo represents how I plan to use what I learn in humanities. I plan to take everything I learn throughout the three years of this program and take it with me and spread my knowledge everywhere I go.