Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Defining different types of irony

Situational Irony- something that has an effect that is exactly opposite of what is indented

Verbal Irony- a statement that implies a meaning in opposition of what the literal meaning is

Dramatic Irony- a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.

Irony of the short story The Wall

In the short story The Wall the author uses irony to tell his story. The types of irony used vary from dramatic, situational. The most obvious one is situational. It is displayed in the story when the former mason who is building the wall with such care because, "What pleasure would there be in escaping from a prison that was poorly built?" This is situational irony because he is implying that he will escape through the walls of the prison when he really just wants everyone to think that. This gives him the opportunity to simply walk through the front gates. An example of dramatic irony in the story is in the last paragraph, when the prison director hires a professional burglar to to fix his window sash. This is dramatic irony because we know something is bound to happen based on the tale above.

Theme of the short story Lifeguard

The theme of the short story the lifeguard is don't take things for granted and appreciate others no matter what. The reason I feel one of the themes is don't take things for granted is because the main character Chris feel sorry for himself because his dad walked out on his mom bother and himself. But as the story goes on he realizes that he's lucky to even have a family. Chris comes to this conclusion when the little boy Mike loses his parents in a car crash that also disables him. Later after Chris has been visiting Mike at the hospital he realizes the other theme, appreciate other. Chris discovers that the little kid he hated for being a nuisance was actually not that bad. In the end he even admired Mike for his courage to fall into fall into his own little world when he tipped into the deep end of that pool.

Characteristics of a Short Story

  • Short enough to be read in one sitting
  • Concise, information given is revalent to the story being told.
  • leaves a single impression

  • intriguing opening

  • well developed and appropriate structure

  • action

  • tension

  • clearly recognisable climax

  • satisfying ending
  • Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Comparing Characteristics of a Short Story

    Writing Characteristics
    Short Story- The Lifeguard
    Intriguing Opening
    Has an intriguing opening, introduces the main character and grabs our attention by stating, “I had my own problems that summer.”

    Well Developed Structure
    This story has good structure, I
    There was lots of action in this story because there are multiple aspects to it. Between the Chris his father his mother and the little boy mike
    The tension in this story is also good. There is tension between Chris and his Father because you are always wondering if they will ever talk. Tension is also present between Mike and Chris when Chris gets frustrated with mike.
    Recognizable Climax
    The climax of this story is very recognizable it is when Chris finds out Mike and his family has been in a car accident.
    Satisfying ending
    The ending is satisfying because the tension is resolved. Chris has come to terms with his dad not being there and he also enjoys mikes company.