Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Building Blocks: Diplomatic Training Reflection

To me diplomatic training felt like the building blocks of my humanities career. We were shown an over view of what humanities is and how if we take what we learn seriously it will benefit us for the rest of our lives. I personally gained multiple building blocks through out our Diplomatic training.
I would say some of my stronger points through out diplomatic training were my hard work, my ability to work effectively in a team and being able to voice my opinion in my group. Though I had many strengths through out diplomatic training I also have quite a few weaknesses that I am not afraid to admit. My first major weakness which came as a bit of a surprise was my computer skills on the new websites we were shown. I never really considered my self to be a computer genius by I thought I was alright at it, that is until I attempted to do something on one website then post it on a completely different one. I am not ashamed to admit that I was very overwhelmed by the whole process. Another weakness that I have is my creativity. I am not the type of person who can sit down and draw a beautiful picture or write a poem that could put Shakespeare to shame. No sir I am almost the complete opposite of that, it takes me considerable amounts of time to dig deep and find my inner artisan.
At the end of my humanities 10 experience I hope to look back at this reflection and the ones that follow and be able to say, that my strengths greatly increased and that my weaknesses became minimal. As of right now my concerns are that of my weaknesses and successes are my strengths. I hope that over through time and experience I can create a broader base of strengths and minimise my weaknesses, and above and beyond take my building blocks with me throughout my life and use them to build success.

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