Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Team Bibliography

CIA World Factbook. "CIA - The World Factbook." Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency. Web. 22 Dec. 2010. file://localhost/<https/>.

"SparkNotes: To Kill a Mockingbird." SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 22 Dec. 2010. file://localhost/<http/>.

Nationality, By. "ICasualties | Operation Iraqi Freedom | Iraq | Fatalities By Nationality." ICasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties. Web. 22 Dec. 2010. file://localhost/<http/>.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Our group chose the name HUM 10 IMPERIALISTS because we believe we should be imperialistic in the things we learn in humanities. We chose the globe with different flags of the world because imperialism means conveying your ideas to other places. The footprints because we want to leave are mark where ever we go, and the crown because who doesn't want to have control.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Diplomatic Posting Reflection

The First Diplomatic Posting was a very stressful unit for me, between my family cattle business dispersing and my dad being in the hospital for four weeks, I had a lot going on. Also I had a bit of a wake up call and realized I'm not in junior high anymore and that I have to work a little harder for my usual 85%.  Some of the thing that I was nervous about before, for example my group work, really turned out great and surprised me. A place I need to improve and feel I can with your comments is my writing skills. Some of my hopes for the second postings is that I can be a bit more organized and improve on my writing skills and technique.

Interview Conclusions

For the interview we had to question someone who has lived in this country for over 40 years and someone who has lived in it for under 8. The two people I chose were my grandpa Stan Sissons and Frank Kim a student who is my age. I choose my Grandpa Stan because he has travelled to most parts of the world and lived in Canada his whole life. I chose Frank because he is really the only person i know who has lived here for less than 8 years.
Based on the the results from both my interviews I come to a main conclusion of Canada is a great country overall but we have some downsides to. The reason I chose this sentence is because in both interviews there was pros and cons to our country. Some of the pros being our great job opportunities, education, multiculturalism, healthcare, government security, safety, space, great place to raise a family, along with many others. And some of the cons were being so far away from your family in another country, my grandpa said our government although better than most still not perfect, and a popular answer between Frank and my grandpa, it gets so flipping cold here. Overall the pros highly outweighed the cons and neither of them wished they could live some where else. Those facts about Canada say a lot about our identity as a country, we are looked at as the country that accepts all cultures and tries to keep the peace all over the world.

Current Affairs


The characters in this cartoon are the future generation and Federal Fiance Minister Jim Flaherty. Although this cartoon in from 2009 I still think it is a good representation of the future. The event is targeting the down economy and how the younger generation is going to have to deal with the consequences. I don't really agree with the cartoonists point of view because the economy has been slightly getting better and we are not in as much debt as the U.S. 

Current Affairs: Part 1


The character in this cartoon is Jack Layton and is targeted at his campaign to buy Canadian products only. The humour of the cartoon is developed by showing three grocery store style isles with the headings 'Maple Syrup', 'Tuques', and 'Soapstone Carvings'. This is showing how it is unrealistic to buy all canadian products since we really don't have that much to choose from. I completely agree with this statement although buying canadian to boost the economy is a great idea it is unrealistic.

Poetry Analysis: Canadian Please, Analysis

The song Canadian Please became an internet sensation in 2009 when Julia Bentley and Andrew Gunadie posted a video of themselves on YouTube singing their song. Although the song has a comedic approach it also represents Canada very well which is why I picked it for this assignment.
Here are some of the examples that really stood out to me in the song:

"We got the world monopoly on trees,"  is an example of are huge supply of forestry resources.

"We invented the zipper, we've got expertise
We made insulin to combat disease," These phrases showcase some of the many inventions by our country that have helped the world.

The song also points out the fact that we have two official languages by having a verse in french which says, "And if thats not enough the two official languages, English and French."

"Or go to the Hospital and not pay fees," this line showcases Canada's well known healthcare.

The following verse is about immigration into our country and how we are a country that has always involved more than one culture.
"So your thinking to yourself,
"How do I live in this beautiful country?"
Well we've got some steps for you to follow...
Step 1: Lose the gun
Step 2: Buy a canoe
Step 3: Live multiculurally
Step 4: Your ready, there is no more!

Poetry Analysis: Canadian Please, Lyrics

Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian, please
Even if in winter things tend to freeze
We've got the world monopoly on trees
And our country's bordered by three different seas

Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian, please
We invented the zipper, we've got expertise
We made insulin to combat disease
Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian, please

 Brits have got the monarchy
The US has the money
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

The French have got the wine and cheese
Koalas chill with the Aussies
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

Et si ce n'était pas assez
On a deux langues officielles:
L'anglais et le français
Ooh la la

Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian, please
Where else do you find mounted police
Or go to the hospital and not pay fees
Yeah I know that you wanna be Canadian, please

And when freshwater is in high demand
We've got the world's largest supply on hand
So you know that we could make a pretty good friend
But it's even better if you can be...

 Brits have got the monarchy
The US has the money
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

The French have got the wine and cheese
Koalas chill with the Aussies
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

So you're thinking to yourself,
"How do I live in this beautiful country?"
Well we've got some steps for you to follow...

STEP 1: Lose the gun
STEP 2: Buy a canoe
STEP 3: Live multiculturally
STEP 4: You're ready, there is no more!

We got beavers, caribou and moose
We got buffalos, bears, and Canadian goose
And we're sorry about Celine Dion
But she did do that good song for James Cameron...

Brits have got the monarchy
The US has the money
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

The French have got the wine and cheese
Koalas chill with the Aussies
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

The Greek chilled out with Socrates
Can't build a wall like the Chinese
But I know that you wanna be Canadian

In Kenya they have safaris
We've missed lots of other countries
But I know that you wanna be Canadian