Sunday, April 10, 2011

Personal Reflection Diplomatic Posting #3

In the third diplomatic mission I feel that my overall performance was good but I could improve. One of the things I would like to improve is my writing technique. Writing has never really been one of my strengths and I would like to improve on it. Some of the things I did well in this mission are group work, and presenting. I felt in my group I was a good leader and contributed a lot into every project. In presenting the projects I feel I did a fairly good job on keeping eye contact and looking at the audience not the screen, but I could still improve upon that. In the fourth diplomatic mission I would like to take all the things I have learned from the start of the year till now and really bring them all together. I am looking forward to the book report and also preparing my first portfolio.

Team Evaluation

Third Diplomatic Mission
Shelby, Chelsea, Doug, Logan, Calder

In the third diplomatic mission our team completed assignments on time and overall worked well together. Some things we could improve on are better delegating the tasks so everyone knows what their role is on certain assignments. Also planning out our time between team assignments and personal assignments. On the other hand we all contributed ideas and got along well. We think that overall our team in the third diplomatic mission was a great group that worked well together and enjoyed working together. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Movie Review

            The movie version of the play Romeo and Juliet, titled Romeo plus Juliet captured the mood and atmosphere of the play in a respectable way. Though the movies setting was not the traditional one of Verona, Italy. In the movie I feel they capture the overall mood of the play, especially the mood of Romeo and Juliet’s love. The overall atmosphere of the Capulet Montague feud was well captured also. Even though the setting and some of the scenes were not the same I think they captured and almost overplayed the moods of characters and atmosphere of the entire play. In general the movie did what it was supposed to do, provide a easy to understand visual aid for the mood and atmosphere of the text.   

Personal Assignment #7 part 2

Friar Lawrence’s plan for Juliet to be with Romeo is most likely not to succeed because it lacks communication between the two parties. First off a plan where someone fake kills themselves probably is not the best idea in the first place. Since Romeo was so far away it was not realistic for news of the plan to get to him, and it was even more unfortunate when Juliet was forced to move the plan up a day. As a result the plan was really doomed before it started and the odds kept stacking up against them, which lead to the untimely of both Romeo and Juliet.