Thursday, November 25, 2010

Written Reflection: What does the fiddler represent?

The fiddler can represent multiple things, it symbolizes tradition, change, tradition and change and the on going struggle between the two. It is day to day life, hard work and determination and the will to survive. In my personal opinion the main element that the fiddler represents is life in Anatevka.

In the book there are multiple reason for why the fiddler represents life, but for me the prologue and the ending monolog by Tevye are the examples helped me to understand the symbolism of the fiddler.
“A fiddler on the roof, sounds crazy, no? But in our little village of Anatevka, you might say every one of us is a fiddler on the roof, trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple tune without breaking his neck. It isn’t easy. You may ask, why do we stay up here if it’s so dangerous? We stay because Anatevka is our home. And how do we keep our balance? That I can tell you in one word-Tradition.”
The quotation above is from the prologue of, “Fiddler on the Roof." I think this is a great example of the fiddler and it's symbolism. When Tevye says that every villager is like a fiddler on the roof trying to scratch out a pleasant tune without breaking his neck, to me this cements the idea that the fiddler is life in Anatevka.It means that everyday the villagers work hard and risk their lives with all the Russians there but they continue to do it because thats what you do in Anatevka.

In a visual aspect at the end of the book when all the villagers are leaving Tevye and his family are about to go but he sops and beckons for the fiddler to come with them. This shows me that the fiddler represent life in Anatevka because even though they are leaving the small village, they will always have it with them. And they will also continue to live the way they did in Anatevka.

Literary Devices in Fiddler on the Roof

Dramatic Irony
Irony that is grasped by the audience but not the character
Act 1 - Scene 4 - page 39-44
         Tevye is having a talk with Lazar Wolfe and both think they are talking about the same thing, but Tevye is talking about a cow and Lazar is talking about marrying Tevye’s daughter Tzietel.
Act 1 - Scene 7- page 71-82
         Tevye needed a way to tell his wife Golde that their daughter is no longer marrying Lazar but is marrying Motel the tailor instead. Tevye comes up with an elaborate dream and Golde believes it is a sign.

A literary device used to suggest a resemblance between objects.
Act 1 - Scene 6 - page 57
“But what good is your brain?  Without curiosity it is a rusty tool.”
Perchik is telling Hodel that she should be more interested in the world, he compare her brain to a rusty tool to show this.
Act 1 - Scene 6 - page 70
         In the song ‘Miracle of Miracles,’ Motel is singing about his good fortune of getting to marry Tzietel. He compares himself to a lump of clay when he sings ‘Out of a worthless lump of clay God has made a man today.’

To pass a casual reference to literature or history.
Act 1 -Scene 2 – page 28
         Tevye alludes what Moses says in the good book.
Act 1 - Scene 6 - page 56
         Perchik is alluding to the bible when he says, "Let there be light."

When two things are compared using the words like or as.  
Act 1 - Scene 6 – page 57
         When Tevye is singing about his wife in the song, “If I were a Rich Man,” he says, “I see her putting on her airs and strutting like a peacock.” He is comparing her walking to that of a peacock and he uses like.
Act 1 – Prologue - page 9
“Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof.” Tevye is comparing a life without tradition to the shakiness of a fiddler standing on a roof. It is a simile because he uses as when comparing the two.

Act 1 – Scene 2 – page 20
Tevye’s horse is given human qualities when he says he lost his shoe on purpose. Or when he is invited to the Sabbath at the blacksmiths.
Act 2 – Scene 7- page 144
The village of Anatevka is personified in the song “Anatevka” when they say it is underfed, obstinate, and overworked.

The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in literature.
Act 1 - Scene 2 - page 25
         Avram sees in his paper that the Jews have been evicted in a village called Rajanka.  
Act 1 Scene 1 Pg.13
         Golde is talking to Yente about Tzietel and Motel walks in, Golde tells Yente that the pair have been friends since they were children. Yente says, “From such children come other children.”

To create a image in a persons mind by using descriptive words.
Act 1 - Scene 2 – page 222
Tevye describes he house he would build if he was a rich man. He creates a image by saying what kind of stairs, the amount of bedrooms and other things
Act 1 – Scene 7
         Tevye uses in-depth imagery to recreate is fake dream to Golde.

When an object is used to represent something greater than itself.
Act 1 - Prologue – page 9
“Tradition.  Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof.”  Tevye is talking about how the lives of the people in Anatevka are like fiddlers on the roof. The fiddler is representing life in Anatevka.
Act 2 - Scene 8 – page 146
         Golde is packing up her goblets that were given to Tevye and her on their wedding day. To her this represents having to leave everything she has ever known.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Venn Diagram

Fiddler on the Roof: Tradition, Change and How I Relate

In the play “Fiddler on the Roof,” the battle between tradition and change is a constant theme, and there are many characters that could represent these two ideas. I thought the characters that best represent these ideas were Tevye for tradition and the couple of Perchik and Hodel for change.
I picked Tevye for tradition because he was the main character of the play and he was very persistent on enforcing tradition. He believed in the typical way of life and thought if it has worked this way forever it should continue to work this way. He also sang the song, “Tradition,” in the play.
Perchik and later on Hodel are very big on change. Perchik first comes in as the student from Kiev. He strongly believes in change and expresses his ideas that everyone should have the right to be educated. Tevye is not thrilled by his ideas and neither is most of Anatevka. Later on in the book Perchik and Hodel fall in love and set out to change the world.
I feel that I can relate to both tradition and change in the play though I more so am related to change. I am related more so to change because I am born in the era of change and technology. With all the new products coming out and all the issues surrounding the planet. When I’m an adult there will be lots of change in the world. But I feel I am still linked to tradition because I celebrate major holidays with my family and we still have certain ways to do things.


What is identity? Is it the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the music you listen to, the people you hang out with? Or is it something entirely different, is is classified by the country your family originated from, or from your childhood home, perhaps the colour of you skin hair or eyes is where the answer lies. Maybe it is found in the religion we believe in or the amount of the world we have seen? But to me identity is all those things and more it is a continuos journey that doesn't have an ending and half the time you dont even know where your going. Identity is infinite.

With all the little things that come with identity there are also some key aspects that make up who we are. A major contributor in my identity and most other peoples is family. In my life my family has inspired or influenced me in everything I do, I am who I am because of them. For example, I would not be the same person if my parents had not enrolled me in sports at a young age. My family also inspires me to succeed in the future, and are always encouraging me to do my best. Some of the other major parts of my identity are education, friends, sports, where I was raised. Education is a major part if my identity because I have been going to school since I was 5 and I hope to continue my education after high school. The next big part of my identity is my friends. They play a huge role in who I am, they are the people I talk to and see the most and who I hangout with reflects on who I am. Sports are a huge part of my identity. I play on multiple teams a year and they all effect who I am. Being raised in Canada is a major part of my identity, all the other aspects of my life would not be possible if I was not raised in just a great nation. Not only living in Canada but living in Alberta and growing up on a farm is a huge part of who I am and always will be.

Identity is a complex thing that is hard to explain and impossible to measure. It is always changing and never stops expanding. That is why I think the key aspect of identity is life experience. The older you get the more your identity grows, and I can already tell my identity is going to change drastically during my humanities experience.

The Un-Examined Life parts 2&3: Family

I have two pictures for family a symbolic one and an actual picture because to me family is the most important. The actual picture is of me and my family in Christmas 2008 when we went to my Uncles house in Jamaica. The symbolic picture is a little more complicated. The blue section with the 5 stars represents my immediate family.(Mom debbie, Dad Cam, Sister Laramie, Me, Brother Colby) The green section with three stars represents my grandparents.(Grandpa & Grandma Sissons, and Grandma Cutler) The red section represents my first cousins, aunties, and uncles.

My family is the biggest part of my identity, they are the initial reason behind everything I do. My mom was the one who got me started in sports, I have great friends because I was raised with good morals, I am inspired to see the world because of my grandparents travel. And I am determined to be successful because my uncles both started their own businesses.

The Unexamined Life Parts 2 and 3: Friends

The reason I choose this picture of some of my friends is because it is the most recent and I like it a lot.

 A huge part if my life is my friends. Having to go to school 5 days a week and playing sports I see my friends more than my family. My friends are a huge part of who I am because I am with them most of the time and i can easily relate to all of them. Anytime I need to talk to someone i can go up to anyone of them and they will always be there.

The Unexamined Life Parts 2 and 3: Sports

I choose the picture of multiple pieces of sporting equipment because I take part in multiple sports.

Sports are a major part of me because I have been playing them my entire life. I have made great friends from taking part in sports and learned not only physical skills but also life skills. Sports have taught me to be respectful and I have gained great team skills from them. Although I enjoy most sports I only play three competitively, hockey, basketball and softball.

The Un-Examined Life: Parts 2&3: Where I Live and Where I go in the World

I choose the globe shape with multiple countries flags because to me it represents all the amazing countries I want to visit throughout my life and it also represent Canada where I am from not only because our flag is on it but because we are a nation that excepts all people no matter where they are from.

Where I Live and Where I go in the World:
Where I live because I will never forget where I came from. Where I go because I want to see the world and discover whats out there. I want to see and do everything and anything while I still can. I don't want to be 85 sitting in a funeral home wishing I would of done something. I want to live with minimal regrets.


Identity: Visual

The Unexamined Life Parts 2 and 3: Education

The reason I choose a green graduation cap is for two reasons, it is the colour of our school and also the colour of the University of Alberta, which is a school I would like to go to.

Education shapes my identity because I want to be successful in life. I am very driven when it comes to school and I want get in to a good university. I want my hard work in school to benefit me in the future.