Thursday, November 18, 2010


What is identity? Is it the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the music you listen to, the people you hang out with? Or is it something entirely different, is is classified by the country your family originated from, or from your childhood home, perhaps the colour of you skin hair or eyes is where the answer lies. Maybe it is found in the religion we believe in or the amount of the world we have seen? But to me identity is all those things and more it is a continuos journey that doesn't have an ending and half the time you dont even know where your going. Identity is infinite.

With all the little things that come with identity there are also some key aspects that make up who we are. A major contributor in my identity and most other peoples is family. In my life my family has inspired or influenced me in everything I do, I am who I am because of them. For example, I would not be the same person if my parents had not enrolled me in sports at a young age. My family also inspires me to succeed in the future, and are always encouraging me to do my best. Some of the other major parts of my identity are education, friends, sports, where I was raised. Education is a major part if my identity because I have been going to school since I was 5 and I hope to continue my education after high school. The next big part of my identity is my friends. They play a huge role in who I am, they are the people I talk to and see the most and who I hangout with reflects on who I am. Sports are a huge part of my identity. I play on multiple teams a year and they all effect who I am. Being raised in Canada is a major part of my identity, all the other aspects of my life would not be possible if I was not raised in just a great nation. Not only living in Canada but living in Alberta and growing up on a farm is a huge part of who I am and always will be.

Identity is a complex thing that is hard to explain and impossible to measure. It is always changing and never stops expanding. That is why I think the key aspect of identity is life experience. The older you get the more your identity grows, and I can already tell my identity is going to change drastically during my humanities experience.

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